Information about the campus move-out process for Spring 2020 from Director of Residence Life MarQuita Barker
April 16, 2020

Dear Residential Students,

As we prepare to conclude a unique and challenging spring semester, thank you for your patience as we worked to develop alternative plans for the move-out process. I know many of you are also wondering about financial credits or refunds for unused spring housing and meal plans. University leaders have been finalizing the process for students to request those prorated credits and we expect the details to be ready in time to send you the information no later than next Wednesday, April 22.

In the meantime, I am writing today with information about the move-out process that will take place in the coming weeks. As mentioned in previous campus updates, the residence hall move-out date has been extended to May 31, coinciding with the move-out date for university apartments.

Between now and May 31, we will continue to coordinate with students and families to complete the move-out process. Students should communicate their intentions in the “Student Move-Out Plans” form in the housing portal, This form is new and every student is being asked to complete this form by April 24. This will allow the university to plan and coordinate packing and storage for those who need it. (Note that students who have already moved out should use this form to confirm that they have completed the process.)

For the move-out process, students and families will have two options:

  1. Return to campus to remove your belongings and move out by May 31.

    1. Complete the “Student Move-Out Plans” form in the housing portal, You will be asked to provide a move-out date. If you don’t know the exact date, you can always return to the form any time before May 15 to update it.
    2. Your Community Director will then communicate with you regarding move-out instructions, including where to leave your key.
    3. Come to campus to pack and move out. Please be sure to take all your belongings. You’ll need to clean your room as if this were the regular move-out process in May. Dumpsters will be available outside of the buildings for students and families.
    4. Plan to take all belongings with you as there will not be a campus location available for donations.
  2. Have your belongings packed and shipped/stored by a third-party vendor.

    1. This option is best for students who cannot travel back to campus by May 31.
    2. Complete the “Student Move-Out Plans” form in the housing portal, and indicate your plan to work with a vendor for packing and shipping/storage.
    3. Students and their families must make arrangements directly with one of the vendors offering this service. Below you will find information from a few vendors who have been reviewed by the university and offered this service to Elon students in the past. They are ready to pack and ship or store items for students.
    4. Students who select this option in the housing portal will be contacted by Residence Life with further instructions, including when and how to return your key.

The North Carolina stay-at-home executive order from Governor Cooper does allow moving and relocation activity to occur during this time, but to protect the health and safety of university employees, the students who are still on campus, and others who will be moving out, we ask that all students and families returning to campus follow appropriate public health guidance. This includes the following:

  • Do not travel to campus if you are feeling ill.
  • Practice social distancing and do not plan to reunite with friends, host gatherings or remain on campus longer than necessary.
  • Wear a mask and practice good hygiene, including frequent hand washing or use of hand sanitizer.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces, door handles, etc. when moving out.
  • Limit the number of individuals coming with you to assist with move-out and plan to make only one trip to campus to do so.
    Roommates should coordinate their move-out so that proper social distancing measures can be observed.
  • If you are traveling back to campus, please visit the CDC website for helpful travel information:

Keep in mind that the move-out process will extend over the next six weeks and we expect the trajectory of the virus and conditions here in North Carolina and other parts of the country to change considerably during that time.

If you have any questions about this process, please visit for the most up-to-date information. You can also find the contact information for your respective Community Director here:

Please let us know how we can best keep you informed and assist you in this process.


MarQuita Barker

Director of Residence Life

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