Update from Vice President for Student Life Jon Dooley
April 14, 2020

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,

As the semester continues after the holiday break, today’s email update summarizes the current status in North Carolina and at the university, describes communications some undergraduate students will receive this week, and offers information about support resources for the university community.

Current status – North Carolina

Current status – Elon University

  • We remain unaware of any confirmed or presumptive positive cases of COVID-19 among Elon students, faculty, or staff who have been on campus during a possible period of contagion.
  • Elon facilities are closed to walk-in traffic, and most services are operating remotely or by appointment. Faculty and staff members are working remotely, unless they are providing essential services for the campus and the students who were unable to leave due to personal circumstances.
  • Essential services available on campus continue to include to-go meals at Lakeside Dining Hall (hours and menu here), Student Health Services (hours and appointment information here), Faculty/Staff Health & Wellness Clinic (hours and appointment information here), Moseley Center and Mail Services (Monday-Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.), and two computer labs (Alamance 315 and Steers Pavilion) available by card access from 6 a.m.-midnight.
  • Consistent with the governor’s stay-at-home executive order, students who live on or near campus should not leave their residences except to get food, medicine or necessary supplies; exercise outdoors; to take care of others in need or do volunteer service; or to perform other essential functions outlined in the executive order.

Future plans for undergraduate academic programs

  • Elon plans to conduct fall semester classes on campus and according to the normal schedule. Plans for fall semester study abroad and Study USA courses are also proceeding as normal. Fall semester academic program plans and schedules are subject to change, depending on the ongoing threat of COVID-19. Future updates will be posted on the university coronavirus website, www.elon.edu/coronavirus.
  • Elon’s two undergraduate Summer Sessions will be held on the normal schedule, with all classes conducted online. Summer Session I begins May 28 and ends June 26. Summer Session II begins July 6 and ends July 27. Registration for both sessions begins April 14. See this page for registration details.
  • Elon has canceled all summer 2020 study abroad programs and the Elon in NYC program. Some providers and universities abroad are delivering online courses or remote internships, which students may choose to take for credit. The Elon in Los Angeles summer program has been reduced to six weeks, with a tentative start date of July 6. A final decision on that program will be made prior to June 1. Students can chat Global Education Center staff anytime during business hours, M-F, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., from the bottom right corner of the screen on any elon.edu/global webpage; virtual appointments are also available.

Upcoming communication this week

Later this week undergraduate students who lived on campus this spring and have not yet checked out of their housing assignment will receive information from Residence Life about the move-out process, which has been extended to May 31. This communication will include information about how to notify the university when you plan to safely retrieve your belongings and check-out and will also offer options for private companies that will be available to pack and store/ship items.


This is an exceptionally challenging situation for all of us to navigate. Dr. Marie Shaw, Director of Counseling Services, offers these tips for coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Becky Olive-Taylor, Executive Director of the Koenigsberger Learning Center, recently recorded a video and shared advice for students about adjusting to remote learning.

The university coronavirus website has a collection of resources for supporting wellness and well-being during this difficult time. The staff in the Office of the Dean of Students are ready to assist students and welcome referrals: www.elon.edu/shareyoucare. Faculty and staff are supported not only through university teaching resources, but also by the Elon Employee Assistance Program and the Faculty/Staff Health & Wellness Clinic. We are also especially appreciative of recent donations to the Elon University Chaplain’s Fund, which is a source of financial support for those facing hardship.

University resources remain active and available for students including: job and career guidance; library services and resources; learning assistance and academic support; writing center consultations; and more.

The university calendar is updated with virtual events, the Staying Connected website is a resource for community activities, and all members of the Elon community are encouraged to connect with each other on Tuesday mornings for College Coffee and post on social media using the hashtag #ElonStayingConnected.

The best source of information nationally remains the website maintained jointly by several federal agencies: https://www.coronavirus.gov/. Elon’s special coronavirus website, www.elon.edu/coronavirus, contains archived copies of previous messages to the university community and is updated regularly with information about the university response to this pandemic.

**The next email update to the community will be next Monday afternoon, April 20, at 2:00 p.m., unless an earlier message is warranted. **

Dr. Jon Dooley

Vice President for Student Life

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