COVID-19 Update
April 09, 2020

The following message was emailed to the campus community on April 9, 2020.

Dear Santa Clara University community,

It is astounding to recall that it was just one month ago today that Fr. O’Brien sent the first email announcing that the University would suspend face-to-face classes and move to a virtual learning format. So much has changed in the past month.

Because tomorrow is Good Friday and a holiday for the University, we are updating you today in these key areas:

Expanded Santa Clara County measures: The Santa Clara County Public Health Department is now recommending that all residents cover their nose and mouth with a cloth face covering when leaving home for essential activities. Examples of recommended cloth face coverings include bandanas and home-sewn fabric coverings. This new recommendation is based on CDC recommendations and will help prevent asymptomatic individuals from unknowingly infecting others. A reminder that sheltering in place and reducing the number of people with whom we come in contact continues to be the most effective way to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Virtual Opportunities to Stay Connected: While we shelter in place to stay safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic, there are many ways for students to engage in SCU programming virtually wherever you may be around the world. We are grateful for all the teams working hard on this including Center for Student Involvement, Campus Ministry, Campus Recreation, Associated Student Government, Activities Programming Board, Center for Sustainability, Ignatian Center, Office for Multicultural Learning, Department of Athletics and more. Check out the calendar of events and activities.

Cancellation of all in-person University events: Due to the ongoing restrictions by the county and state Orders, University leadership has canceled all in-person events through June 30. As previously announced, commencement 2020 has been postponed and is anticipated to be held at a later date.

Housing Update: The previously announced dates of May 1–8 for students to return to campus to retrieve belongings have been canceled. Our priority is to keep our remaining students on campus safe, secure student belongings left in residence halls, as well as ensure our compliance with county health rules. Because of the possibility of further extensions to the shelter-in-place order, we are exploring options for procuring services to pack and store belongings or pack and ship belongings with local companies. We are also exploring a process by which students can designate a proxy to pack up their room and remove their belongings. Once those options are available, we will communicate with any student who is not in-residence and/or who did not complete the online checkout form. Stay tuned for more information.

Easter Livestream: Please join us virtually for Easter Mass in the Mission Church this Sunday, April 12 at 10 a.m. Pacific time. No matter your faith tradition, we invite you to join us as one Bronco community as we pray for all those who are sick, those who have died, and in gratitude for the valiant sacrifices of health-care and essential workers around the world. Watch on our SCU website or on Facebook Live.

Bridging the Distance with Fr. O’Brien video series: While we practice social distancing as a community, the fundamental work of our University continues in its teaching, learning, and service. President Kevin O'Brien, S.J., hosts a video series featuring glimpses of your favorite parts of campus; brief interviews with students, faculty, staff, and alumni; and some spiritual reflections. Follow @kevinobriensj on social media or subscribe on Youtube.

SCU COVID-19 stories page: In the midst of this crisis, there have been wonderful stories of hope happening in all parts of our campus. We are showcasing these stories of students, faculty, staff, and alumni responding to this pandemic with resilience, leadership, empathy, and solutions on our website. If you would like to suggest a story, email us at

Please continue to consult our COVID-19 website and its regularly updated “frequently asked questions” section. You may also email questions to

We wish you and your families a blessed Easter weekend. We are grateful for our Santa Clara community and thank everyone for doing their part to help stem the spread of this pandemic.

Jeanne Rosenberger
Vice Provost for Student Life

John Ottoboni
Chief Operating Officer

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