Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice and guidance for students
April 17, 2020

We will do everything we can to support you to complete this academic year successfully. We know that it is likely that some students will fall ill over the coming period, and some students will be trying to study whilst dealing with difficult family circumstances and we will work hard to support you and deal with these circumstances and others flexibly and sensitively. We will treat all requests for extensions sympathetically.

All planned coursework will take place as expected. Some assessments may need to be modified to reflect the move to online teaching, learning and submission and some deadlines will be moved to reflect this. Expected coursework will only be cancelled or changed in exceptional circumstances and after approval by the Faculty.

_ _ We have reviewed our examination arrangements for the Semester 2 exam and summer resit periods and, unless you have been advised otherwise by your Department (e.g. students on clinical programmes), you should not expect to attend any formal examinations in Liverpool. In the majority of cases examinations will be replaced by seen (open-book) assessments. In some exceptional cases, there may be local variation in arrangements, but the rationale for these decisions will be made clear, and will have been approved through internal quality assurance processes to ensure our rigorous standards are complied with.

Examination Boards have a great deal of experience in taking account of a range of extenuating circumstances and they will follow our well-established institutional Procedures for Protecting the Interests of Students in the Event of Major Disruption to guide fair decisions concerning your progression and classification.

You will not need to submit extenuating circumstances relating to the impact of COVID-19 on your learning as these will be applied automatically by exam boards. Individual extenuating circumstances only need to be submitted for anything additional to this, for example, illness at key submission points (medical evidence will not be required and this will normally be dealt with by the offer of an extension) or bereavement.

Full information on our assessment principles for students in light of COVID-19.

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