Examinations, Assessments, Progression and Awarding
April 17, 2020

If you are an Exeter student who is currently undertaking study abroad, then the safety net policy will apply. However, there are a couple of differences in how this can apply:

  • The cut-off date for calculating your benchmark is different, in light of the earlier disruption experienced by students who were overseas this term. Your benchmark will be calculated based on all work that you submitted in advance of 13th January.
  • If you have not already completed 60 credits this academic year, then we will make up the remaining credits (up to the total of 60) using the credit-weighted average from your previous Exeter-based year of study. This is the same as for all other students. For Modern Languages students, please see the specific FAQ below.
  • Where you have been provided with alternative assessments, either by Exeter or by your host institution, we recommend that you attempt these assessments as you may be able to improve upon your benchmark. You should have received details of alternative assessments from your module lead/department so please do get in contact with them if you have any questions.
  • All students will be able to progress to next academic year based on their benchmark, and the number of credits they have completed. The only exception to this is Modern Languages where completion of sufficient credits for the year is required, as the year abroad is an integral part of the programme. Modern Languages students are already in receipt of details of their requirements. Please see below FAQ.
  • Where your benchmark falls below a pass you will be able to progress but will need to move to the non-study abroad variant of your programme.
  • In addition to the above and to acknowledge the additional disruption experienced by study abroad students, we will also take the events of this year into consideration when calculating your final degree classification. We will award you based on either the three year or four year stage weighted average – whichever is the higher. This will not affect your degree title.

If you are a student of a partner institution currently studying at Exeter, then the safety net will also apply. But again, there are a couple of deviations from the current policy.

  • The cut-off date for calculating your benchmark will be the same as all other Exeter students, 15th March.
  • In order to calculate a firm benchmark, you need to have completed 50% of the credits that you are studying with us. For example if you are studying 60 credits, you will need to have completed 30.
  • Where you have not completed 50% of your credits prior to 15th March then your benchmark will be provisional.
  • In the event that your benchmark is provisional, the APAC (equivalent to an exam board) will look at your performance in your remaining summer assessments and as long as it is close to your provisional benchmark they will set your overall result at whichever is higher, your credit-weighted mean for the all assessments or your provisional benchmark. If the APAC considers that performance between March and June is significantly lower than the provisional benchmark, they have discretion to set your overall stage result at a mark lower than the provisional benchmark; if they do, you will be provided with the justification for this decision.
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