University updates and actions
April 17, 2020

In line with the Government’s latest advice, we have closed all communal areas on our campuses. This includes all libraries, study spaces and shared spaces in halls of residence. Students living on campus must study in their rooms.

The Government advises students remaining at university in England should not attempt to travel. Following guidance from Public Health England and the Department for Education, we advise that anyone in student accommodation (for example University residences) does not undertake further travel, we also advise you only leave your accommodation for the following reasons:

Shopping for basic necessities
One form of exercise a day
Medical needs
To provide essential care or help to a vulnerable person, or to travel to or from work where this cannot be done from home

If you are self-isolating, or remaining, in student accommodation : either on campus, in an external student accommodation provider or in privately owned student accommodation, please notify us by email on giving the following details:

1. Full name
2. Student Number

  1. Address - including if you are living in Exeter or Cornwall
    4. Period of self-isolating - start and end date
    5. Contact telephone number

These details will then be passed to the relevant staff who will contact you to ensure you have access to the support you may need.

This is a rapidly evolving situation and the University senior management team is taking decisions in relation to University operations. Many teams across the University are working together around the clock to plan for managing the impact of these decisions within our community.

Colleagues in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) and Exeter IT are working to ensure our capability and capacity to move to online delivery.

We continue to act on the advice of sources, including the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO); the World Health Organisation (WHO); the NHS and PHE. Updates will be communicated to students and staff regularly.

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