Learning, teaching and assessment
April 17, 2020

Interruption of study

If, from 16 March 2020 onwards, you are not present at the University but are able to engage with remote learning and assessment, there is no need to apply for an interruption of study.

If you are unable to engage with remote learning and assessment for a period greater than 14 days, you are required to apply for interruption of study in order that the Head of School can confirm arrangements for your return to study.

Disabled students should contact the Disability and Dyslexia Service if they require a review of reasonable adjustments as a result of the alternative arrangements.

If applying for interruption of study due to ill-health from coronavirus (COVID-19), no medical certification is required.

You are not required to apply for an interruption of study during the exam period and you should report your extenuating circumstances.

Extenuating circumstances: variation of arrangements for learning and assessment

Individual student circumstances are usually considered extenuating if they are:

  • severe and exceptional, and
  • unforeseen or unavoidable, and
  • close in time to the affected assessment or examination.

It is recognised that the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is causing significant disruption. To address this disruption, Heads of School are varying arrangements to deliver learning and assessment remotely. Heads of School will inform you of the actions being taken to provide remote learning and assessment opportunities.

If you are unable to access the remote learning content or undertake remote assessments, you should contact your Head of School in order that other variations can be considered and, where appropriate, actioned.

Heads of Schools will also inform the Examining Boards of the variation of arrangements to remote learning and assessment.

Whilst the situation relating to coronavirus (COVID-19) is unprecedented, the overall impact on students and action taken to mitigate the consequences will be reported to Examining Boards. Consequently, you are not required to report to Examining Boards extenuating circumstances relating to the delivery of remote learning and assessment because of coronavirus (COVID-19).

Extenuating circumstances for assessment

If you are well enough (eg feeling well and functioning effectively), you should undertake assessments, and consequently there should be no need to report extenuating circumstances.

You should self-certify if you are unable to undertake an assessment remotely, due to individual circumstances (eg illness, bereavement) which are:

  • severe and exceptional, and
  • unforeseen or unavoidable, and
  • close in time to the affected assessment or examination.

Self certification

You can use the extenuating circumstances reporting form through your SIMS online account to self-certify and declare that you were not fit for an assessment due to extenuating circumstances. You will need to list the assessments affected by but are not required to submit evidence. The form will be made available through SIMS in the next few days.

Self certification, will be sufficient to apply the following remedies:

For coursework

A two week extension to submission deadline.

If you are unable to submit by the two-week extended deadline, permitted a 1st attempt (or 2nd / 3rd attempt if you have previously failed) when the assessment, or equivalent assessment, is next scheduled to be submitted.

For remote examination or equivalent (eg oral examination)

Permitted 1st attempt (or 2nd / 3rd attempt if you have previously failed) when the assessment, or equivalent assessment, is next scheduled to be undertaken.

If you do not submit a declaration and do not submit coursework or complete a remote examination assessment, the non-submission will be regarded as a fail.

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