Is postgraduate research expected to continue?
April 17, 2020

Yes, as far as possible. Please speak to your supervisory team about how this situation is affecting you, and how it might go on to affect your studies. You should consider whether you can reorganise or reimagine parts of your project to mitigate some of the disruption.

Some postgraduate research students may be able to continue working on their project with relatively little disruption. Others will experience considerable disruption due to a period of sickness, disruption to fieldwork and restricted access to labs, archives and libraries, including our own library and collections. Students are strongly advised to keep a log of any lost time due, for example, to lack of access to necessary resources, caring responsibilities, or periods of illness.

If you are encountering difficulties, please contact your supervisor and your Director of Postgraduate Research (DoPGR) as soon as possible. The University is looking at ways of providing extra time for students whose progress is severely impacted by COVID-19 and the current shut down. The Research Councils (UKRI) and the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) are in the process of reviewing what kind of extensions and financial support can be made available and we will update this page once more information is available.

If you find that you are unable to make any progress on your research, and need to disengage from your studies entirely, please speak to your supervisors about whether a Leave of Absence is appropriate.

Postgraduate research students should also consult the information found on the Research and coronavirus page.

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