What is the University’s safety net policy for exams and assessments?
April 17, 2020

Given the exceptional circumstances in which exams and assessments are taking place, we have taken the decision to implement a safety net policy, which will recognise the value of marks you have already achieved up to March 2020 for assessed work.

This means that no student who passes the year will receive an average mark or overall degree class lower than their current overall mark or degree class. Summative assessments must be completed for the remainder of this academic year in order for you to finish your degree and can only have a positive impact on your overall mark or degree class.

Working through the processes required to put this safety net in place across the wide range of our degree programmes is going to be a complex task. There may also be some circumstances where we cannot apply this no detriment approach to programmes which are subject to professional regulations. Please bear with us as we work through the specific details.

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