All student email - 15 April 2020
April 15, 2020

Dear students,

This email contains important updates on Covid-19. Please take the time to read it carefully.

Government advice

This prolonged period of change and uncertainty is very challenging for all of us but please do continue to follow the Government’s advice on staying at home and social distancing to help limit the spread of the virus.

Latest decisions and updates from Durham University

· Assessments FAQs · Collection of student information regarding Covid-19 · Inspiring stories

Assessments FAQs

Following the publication of our policies on assessments last week, we have now also added some FAQs( ) to our dedicated webpages. These will be updated regularly based on your feedback and additional questions you may have.

If your question is not addressed in the FAQs, please send your queries to

Please be assured that the policies on assessments have been designed, with input from your student representatives, to uphold your educational interests in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The “no detriment” policy ensures that all assessed work undertaken during the pandemic –from examinations to summatives and dissertations – can only raise and will never lower your degree classification.

Collection of student information regarding Covid-19

Thank you very much for all of you who have updated your information regarding your current place of residence, health conditions, self-isolation status and other information via the new Banner Self-Service. We really appreciate you taking the time to provide us with this data.

If you have not yet updated your information or your circumstances have changed, we would be really grateful if you could access the questionnaire on DUO( ). You will find it in the “Student Services” menu, under the heading “Covid-19 questionnaire”.

Inspiring stories

We are so immensely proud of the way our staff and students are responding to the Covid19 crisis by supporting others in the community. The Northern Echo( ) has kindly featured some of these efforts and you can also read more on our Covid-19 community support webpages( ).

We would really like to continue to recognise and share your inspiring stories so please let us know about them via, tag us on Facebook @durhamuniversity or on Twitter @durham_uni using #DUinspire.


Once again we want to thank you for your understanding and patience. Colleagues across the University are working very hard to make sure you get the support you need during these challenging times.

Whether you’re still in Durham or somewhere else in the world, our student support services are here to help you so please do not hesitate to get in touch via phone or email. You can find all the contact details here( ).

Best wishes,

Claire O’Malley Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global)

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