Will online study be recognised by the Chinese Government?
April 17, 2020
  • The Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange (CSCSE) released a statement on 3 April, 2020 confirming that online study undertaken due to the impacts of COVID-19 will be recognised. Please see below translation of the statement released by the CSCSE:

    • Our Centre understands and supports measures some overseas universities have implemented to help Chinese students finish their studies, such as the extension for enrolment, offering online courses, flexible final assessments and thesis' in response to COVID-19.
    • If Chinese students undertake online study for part of their course due to difficulty in returning to campus, or the resultant time remaining offshore not meeting normal course requirements, these won't be factors affecting their degree certification.
    • Students are advised to practise proper self-protection, follow the special measures implemented by your university at this particular time, and keep records of relevant university notices and communications.
    • In response to concerns from students, our Centre will publish up-to-date information in a timely manner during COVID-19. Please visit our official website. We have also set up a consultation hotline for enquiries regarding overseas qualification certification. Students can call 010-62677800 or email renzheng@cscse.edu.cn.
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