Personalised study plans for students based offshore from their home campus
April 17, 2020
  • We’ve developed personalised study journeys for students who can’t make it to Australia to commence semester one as planned, so they can complete their course and graduate as first intended.
  • Eligible students have been individually contacted to review their personal study plan, which has been developed for them by a faculty course advisor.
  • Monash is committed to ensuring students, currently based overseas, are able to start their semester one studies, be up-to-date and be able to progress their studies in 2021.

Technology to support remote learning while you are overseas

  • We’ve created an online guide with step-by-step instructions to help students access and login into these platforms and tools remotely.
  • The guide includes instructions for lots of important and common tasks, including how to:

    • Connect to Monash’s new, secure, VPN option.
    • Access Moodle or specialised software for your course.
    • Connect to the library and learning resources.
    • Watch a video for class.
    • Join a video or audio meeting with your lecturer or tutor.
  • We’ve made the guide available as a webpage and a PDF document, so students can download it and save it to their device to access whenever and wherever you need to.
  • For any technical difficulties during your studies, students contact eSolutions.

Support while you study remotely

  • Monash is capable and experienced when it comes to flexible teaching. Students enrolled in these units will have an excellent educational experience, in parallel with those participating in on-campus programs.
  • The flexible units will utilise a range of teaching strategies to support students to be active and engaged with their learning.
  • Coursework materials are now available on Moodle unit sites.
  • Unit guides are now available. Your unit guide provides details of your activities and assessment for your flexibly delivered unit.
  • When studying online, your academic may advise you of synchronous learning via zoom. Check Moodle for details of when and how to access.
  • Academics and course advisors will be in regular contact with our students as they study.
  • If students are having difficulty with their studies, for any reason, they can reach out to us to provide the best advice on what they need to do to succeed in their studies.
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