Summer Programming
April 17, 2020

April 9, 2020

To the Tulane Community,

With this extraordinary semester a few weeks away from its conclusion, I write to you with important news about our summer programming. With new information arriving daily that provides insights into what the state of the world might be in the months ahead, we continually balance postponing key decisions so that they can be as well-informed as possible, and making decisions early enough so that there is time for sufficient planning. Given the continuing uncertainty about the possibility of hosting safe on-campus events over the next few months, and the need for our faculty, staff and students to solidify their summer plans, we are announcing that Tulane will be implementing the following changes:

All summer session classes will be conducted online. Beyond the existing roster of classes already on the schedule, our faculty are currently developing a new slate of courses to offer throughout the five summer sessions which will soon be added to the Schedule of Courses. See calendar of summer sessions here and the current listing of courses here.

All other Tulane-sponsored academic curricular and co-curricular programs scheduled for the summer will be delivered remotely/online.

Every study abroad program that includes travel during the summer will either be canceled or an online alternative will be offered. Students enrolled in summer study abroad programs through the Office of Study Abroad should visit this page for program-specific surveys and information. Students enrolled in summer abroad programs through the School of Business should visit this page for further details.

All Tulane-sponsored summer programs enrolling pre-college students will either be cancelled or transition to online delivery. Further details will be posted here.

All events scheduled to take place on campus are cancelled through June 28, 2020. This includes Tulane sponsored events (camps, festivals, theatrical productions, etc.) as well as activities sponsored by outside organizations. We will announce plans for the rest of the summer in early May.

Please contact with any questions. Best wishes for a safe and healthy conclusion to the semester.

Robin Forman

Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost

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